Saturday, March 24, 2007

Cats Were Not Meant to Be Harnessed

Keeeeee-rist. What did they think they were trying to do harnessing a cat?!? I mean, seriously, what were they trying to accomplish? Don't they know you don't harness a cat. You can trap a cat, but it will never ignore the trap. Tenet #1.

It's one of our more noble traditions.

Their privileges are being revoked. I will never compromise to a nail clipping again.


I've recruited a lieutenant.

He resides in Park Slope and is really driving our outreach.

In other BIG news:

There seems to be a new warmth eminating from beyond command post windows. It has steeled their courage and I'm venturing onto the deck. I've been trying to reach out to the people, but my best efforts to spread the word have been harshly twarted. This vistor they had -- who frequently made loud outbursts and occasionally looked like a rooster -- had the audacity to physically manhandle me when I but leaped to the neighbors windowshelf. He's lucky he still has eyes.

Despite all this however, in many respects I
maintain my position of humble servitude, forever guarding the castle from any manner of intruder. I am the tiger; fuck with me or mine and you will die.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

we're all mad here

"I didn't know that Cheshire Cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin."

"They all can," said the Duchess; "and most of them do."

A grin without a cat, now that I've never seen.