Friday, January 5, 2007

You frontin'?!?

2007 is nigh, I relish the nooks and crannies yet to explore. I think this year I'm really going to get my image out there. Or at least that's what I think curlyhead has up her sleeve. She keeps taking pictures of me; I can only assume she's finally given up on her own laziness and has turned to the second generation to carry the family. I mean, she hasn't the pure bitter of Macaulay Culkin's parents, but if she ever had to talk to Dinah Lohan at a party, they would certainly have at least 15 minutes of good conversation. I can only assume this is her scheme as she incessantly snatches me in her picture machine. I mean, yeah, they're good pictures, but this can't be bought. I'm not going to be dumbed down to an image people think they can understand. I'm just not. But ultimately the only way to defeat the man is to defeat his technology. Take away the instrument of subjugation and we can once again talk reasonably.

Bah! Take that, mothafuckah!

Nah, I love ya.


Bashakella said...

curly head brought some friends to the apartment right before NYE. They were clearly not New Yorkers and didnt know how to behave themselves properly. One of them, who i kind of liked because she had a weird foreign accent and therefore seemed "exotic", even pushed me off my own freakin' bed. Turns out she's also an only child and wants to be a princess. But i purred all night long and woke her up. Seeing her exhausted face in the mirror in the morning, then seeing me sleeping graciously on the futon, she understood, once and for all, who the real princess was. purr purr purr.

olive, the blog said...

I'm the entire royal court. Dukes and duchesses included.